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How to make a website?

How to make a website?


With these steps, you can make a beautiful website. Making Beautiful websites are truly a form of art.  When you come across a website that inspires you, you think about creating one for your company. If you're having trouble achieving that wow factor on your website, here are a few ideas to help you turn it into a work of art.

You won't need any technical or web design knowledge to complete this. Without these, you will be able to make a good website for your company. Even though they don't have a design experience, some digital marketers, project managers, and copywriters have built their own websites.

Build / Make Beautiful Website Methods

Whether you want to build a website for a small scale business or a large scale business, let the tricks given below help you.

📢 1) Figure out the content for your website

The majority of people get stuck at this stage of website building. They don't know what to include in the website's contents and what to leave out! A excellent website, on the other hand, will always include the following pages. The following is a list of pages:

Homepage: This should be the first page that the visitors should see on your website. Here you will be providing the summary of your website and what all your business deals in.

About page: This page should give an overview of your business. This page should inform your visitors about what makes you different and outstand you from the other competitors in the market.

Services: This page should provide information to your visitors about the services you offer.

What is SEO

Products: This page should be able to provide the information on the products you offer, it should be able to provide accurate information on the products. If you have an ample number of products, you should consider categorizing them and then explaining each product separately.

FAQ: You can use this section to answer the most frequently asked questions by your customers.

Testimonials: In this webpage, you should add your customer’s testimonials to show your visitors that you are amazing.

Call to action: In this section you can add all the different ways of how your visitors can help you. You can include your email address, phone number, as well as your social media handles.

Blog: Sometimes, having a blog page is essential for building a productive website. You can use this page to post relevant blogs that your audience would love to read.

📢 2) Make it quick to load on both desktop and mobile devices.

The most attractive signs are useless if your visitors don’t stay long enough to appreciate your work. We live in a time when quick satisfaction is a viable concept. So, if your website takes more than a few seconds to load, you will almost definitely lose visitors.

📢 3) Pay attention to the color of your website

Color is one of your design's most powerful weapons. You will attract a large number of people to your website if you combine the colours in your website properly, which helps you in branding the company’s logo if there is one.

📢 4) Come with a clean layout

Once you are done figuring out the content and colors, it is time to decide on a layout for your beautiful website. The content should be able to tell you about what pages you need for your website. The keys to a good and beautiful website are:

  • Your content on every separate page.
  • Different separate pages.
  • Your navigation.

The layout of websites for different companies is going to be different depending upon what services are given by the company.

📢 5) Write simple and effective content

Once you are done with the above steps, it’s time to write unique content for your website. Your content should be written and designed specifically for the different pages.

What is SEO

📢 6) Engage users with videos and rich images

You should know this trick, that images and videos are way more engaging than mere content written on the business website. Landing pages with videos can increase the conversation by more than 80%. You should always use scalable images to ensure a high-quality user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

📢 7) Keep the visitors engaged by a user-friendly website

You can have the most attractive website in the world, but if it is hard to use, your users will remain users and it will become hard to convert those users into customers. So to make your website user-friendly all you have to do is follow the tricks mentioned below.

  • Make your website mobile-friendly- Data analysis depicts that 70% of web traffic comes from a mobile device, which means there’s a chance that someone visiting your site for the first time is using their smartphone, and if the mobile experience is negative, you’ve just lost a customer. 

What is SEO
  • Streamline your navigation: The more pages someone has to fetch on your website to find what they are looking for will result in the frustration of the client and thus he/she will leave your site out of frustration. The content should not be buried or hidden. Don’t make your visitors hunt around for what they came for. Your navigation should be well-organized and logical from a user’s perspective. 

📢 8) Talk as if you're a real person.

When visitors visit your website, the more complicated and marketing speech they have to understand, the less likely they are to engage with your company. Visitors will find it easier to read and understand your content as well as navigate your site if you use a friendly, conversational tone.

📢 9) Test your website before launching.

It is very important to take out time to and gather feedback before it goes live. Make sure that you conduct a quality assurance (QA) team so that they can test all aspects of your site. If you can’t hire people for QA, then outsource a Tester who can test your website before making it live. If there’s something that has to be done on the website, they should do it. By doing this you will be able to fix the bugs in your website before launching it. With this, you should also conduct user feedback before you push your site live. QA tester provide feedback on the elements like navigation, design, and major user flows. You may not make changes in your website according to the reviews but, you may want to keep suggestions in mind for changes down the road.

What is SEO

You may find it difficult at first, but if you follow all of the steps outlined above, you will have no trouble creating your first visually pleasing website. You will be able to create a beautiful website that is eye-catching and will be loved by your audience, as well as help you take your business to the next level, with little effort and dedication. To learn more about how to make your website more appealing, call us at +91-9625395929 or email us at

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