What is SEO? so SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a way or a practice of increasing traffic on a website using different skills and techniques through organic search results. To understand this term in-depth let us break it into three parts and look into it in-depth. Work for quality traffic, make sure that the audience that comes to your website, comes directly to your website. Unlike, Google sends the traffic to your website telling you are the best resource of apple computers whereas you are a farmer selling apples. Look for the quantity of traffic. Once you have the right people clicking through from the SEO search pages more traffic will be better and will do great. With these two, the traffic generated will be organic. Organic traffic is the traffic you don’t pay for. Ads usually increase SERPs but what organic traffic dies is wonders.
Let us have a look at the types of search engine optimizations – Broadly there are three types of SEOs which are classified as-
- 1. On-page SEO
- 2. Off-page SEO
- 3. Technical SEO
We will discuss these in detail. There are several other kinds of SEO as well which include the following-
- 1. White hat SEO
- 2. Black hat SEO
- 3. Gray hat SEO
- 4. Negative SEO

Let us look into the primary kinds first
1. On-page SEO
This relates to the content on your website. This type of SEO includes- finding the best keywords to target on a page of content. It includes publishing high-quality content focused on targeted keywords.
2. Off-page SEO
This helps to build the influence and relationship of your website with other websites. It involves skills and techniques to build a reputation and authority of the website.
3. Technical SEO
It relates to the non-content element of your website. It includes skills to improve the site’s readability. A good user experience is important for readers as it can affect the overall traffic on the website.
These are the primary kinds of SEOs that you should know about even before you start with in-depth knowledge about the same. This is the basic idea of things that you should know even before you get started with SEO. now comes the part on how to learn SEO? Let us have a look at the ways of learning this.
SEO (Search engine optimization) is the process of promoting a website on the major search engines to increase traffic and sales. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.
Ways to learn SEO
SEO is a practical thing that you will understand and learn with practice. The more you practice, the more you learn. It isn’t a theoretical subject in which one has to learn and remember the topics by heart. SEO is more about exploring hands on it and learning the different aspects it revolves around. Let us have a glance at how you can learn this.
- If you are a beginner you need to start from square one. You can start it from a beginner’s guide to SEO. If you find any difficulty with the initial topics or in understanding the specific terminology you can always seek help from subject experts.
- Once you are on the track and have started grasping the basic concepts of SEO you can move onto the second step which involves applying the SEO strategies on a site. Whether the site is brand new or is an old one doesn’t matter. All you have to do is apply the skills to the website and see the results of how your strategies have worked out. Build an SEO friendly site, this will help you to start with everything from selecting SEO friendly domain to best practice for internal links.

- You need to understand the goal of SEO. Every business has different marketing goals. You need to analyze the same and then work on the same. If you make use of SEO for your website, it will help you to rank your website.
- Master the art of keyword research. You should be pro or become smart at this task. It takes diligent research to search for the right keywords. If you can select the right keywords that people search maximum that fits your business the most. You can easily bring your site to the top and in front of a bigger audience. You can make use of different keyword research tools such as- Keywords Everywhere, Soolve, and keywordFX.
- Learn the difference between different kinds of SEO. You should be able to differentiate between on-page SEO and off-page SEO. What happens on-page is something that you can change directly when you learn SEO while what takes place off-page is up to the other sites.
- You must learn to identify the UX signals. User experience plays a vital role in SEO. Any changes made on the website should be made taking care or keeping in mind the user experience i.e. the audience. The designs, the functionality should be able to meet the requirements and expectations of the audience.
- Take up SEO-friendly content creation. The content that you design for your website should be informational and should include- articles, blogs, new releases and videos.
These are the basic strategies that you can use or pick to start with SEO. Learning a new skill takes time. Do you remember the first time you started cycling? Well, recall that time and analyze how long you to learn how to ride a bicycle. Similar is the case of SEO. it will come with practice and time. The more skills your practice be it on-page or off-page you will learn out of it.
You can initiate it by learning basics from beginner’s guide to SEO, other than this if you find any error or problems with the understanding you can always rely on online classes. With the growth of technology and the e-era, the mode of learning has also become advanced. You can sit back home, learn and clear all your queries in no time. Leciel Technologies is one such digital marketing agency that works for different websites using SEO strategies. You can have a look at the website to understand it nicely.
To have a look at how this process of SEO works you can contact +91-9625395929 and get guidance on the same.